PWINV Investigations

PWINV Investigations
Private Eye at Work

Saturday, 3 November 2012

What we do at:

What we do at:

What We Do and How it Works @ Private Company Share Thank you for your interest the EAI Group of Companies • We accept funding from private investors who are issued with shares in the fund – shares are issued at a nominal £1 GB Pound. Therefore £10,000 = 10,000 shares. • The EAI Group of Companies strength acts as a ‘Foil’ to protect Shareholders and Investors. • Funds from Shareholders / Investors are re-invested into small businesses that meet strict criteria as to long term viability and potential profitability. • Investments are comprised of solely or part owned EAI Group Companies, Partnerships and Commodities. • On receipt of payment from privates investors and subject to bank clearance a standing order is set-up to make payment at based on 2% PCM (26.68APR) The first payment will be one calendar month from the date funds are cleared. Thereafter monthly. Variable only according to week-ends and bank holidays. • This payment is classified as an advance on dividends / profits and not interest in the way a bank or building society would pay interest. The 2% PCM (26.68APR) is a formula for assessing and distributing dividend / rewards to private investors in advance of the ‘accounting’ year-end. • The private investor will never be requested to make a repayment should the fund fail to make a 26.68 APR plus return. In the highly unlikely event of the fund failing to perform at is currently exceptionally high level the fund will be dissolved and capital returned investors. • Capital / Investments can be withdrawn subject to ninety days notice from the next advance on dividends / profits date. • Any discussion regarding investing in the EAI Group of Companies is based on your application the private investor’s application. • Investor Application Form • Introducers are acting independently and we do not solicit for funding but will make potential the private investor aware of our success. We will respond to your application to invest with efficacy and diligence. • We are obliged to perform due diligence in accordance with anti-terrorist legislation. All applicants are required to complete an application form which can be found on: and provide ID. Frequently asked questions: • Q; are EAIG Fund investments more risky than investing in the stock market. • A; in theory yes, however in recent years the market generally has performed so poorly it’s debatable. EAIG Fund performs at a level of profit that it can absorb and failures without unduly influencing the return to our shareholders

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