PWINV Investigations

PWINV Investigations
Private Eye at Work

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Michael Portillo and Peter Lilley in the Frame

Lord McAlpine & Derek Laud Top Rumours As Newsnight Tory Paedophiles along with

Michael Portillo and Peter Lilley

Notable on Twitter:

(NOTE: Because there have been reports in mainstream media that legal personnel will be looking to sue tweeters who tweet his name the tweets have been removed from this page; you’ll just have to go look for yourself and run a search in Twitter)
Some tweets mention the magazine ’Scallywag’. Scallywag did name him, you can see in this article (a popular link) McAlpine was implicated and appears to be the main reason for the rumours:
Now defunct magazine Scallywag covered events at Bryn Alyn in detail, some years ago.
The magazine alleged that one of the men referred to is Lord McAlpine, at the time of the offences treasurer of the governing Conservative Party. Another regular participant in the activities at Bryn Clwyd was alleged by Scallywag to be Derek Laud, for years a leading mover and shaker in successive Conservative administrations.
Scallywag alleged that Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of the boys. The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards. He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher although never an MP, indeed he was pictured waving down to the crowds below from an upstairs window of 10 Downing Street as the Conservatives celebrated their 1988 election victory.
The Blog is Titled “POSSIBLE ELITE BRITISH PAEDOPHILE RING” and has a number of references to McAlpine. The posted article continues to name names:
It was alleged by this boy and others that Messrs Portillo and Lilley were also guests of Derek Laud. We are assured that this particular volcano is about to erupt, both in North Wales and elsewhere. Michael Portillo has always publicly disassociated himself from Derek Laud, yet here we find him not only acquainted but seemingly in the inner sanctum of private friends.

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